First of all I would like to thank Jenilee for taking over Wednesday's Walk. I have missed walking down Memory Lane with my blog friends as we share our memories together. I look forward to the weeks ahead as we get back into it.
Memories Of My White Steepled Church From My Childhood!
I now attend a large church just around the corner and up the street from our house, and it is less than a mile away. It has a large white steeple on it's very tall roof and my husband can see it from the golf course and it is seen from quite a distance. It holds about 750 or 800 people. But when I grew up in Southern California I went to a tiny church called "Silver Acres Community Church" and it held about 75 people I suppose...maybe even less than that. It had a bell tower and a tall white steeple.
One year I had a Sunday School class up in that bell tower room and we girls got to take turns pulling the rope and ringing the bell when church was about to start. Yes, it was a big old fashioned bell just like you see on Little House On The Prairie, or the church on Dr. Quinn. And that bell was really loud in that little room when we would ring it. But we all loved taking our turns ringing it. And people in the neighborhood would surely know it was time to get to church when they heard it ringing.
The church was called "Silver Acres" because the street it was on was Silver Drive. It was just a few miles away from our house, but when I was a girl, it seemed like it was far away. I went to that church from when I was a small child until I got married, and I have so many happy memories of it.
When I was little we loved summertime and part of that was because we would have Vacation Bible School at our little church. My brother and I would invite our neighborhood and school friends, and several of them attended with us over the years. We would first meet in the sanctuary each morning and have opening prayer and songs and then we would go to our separate classrooms according to our ages. My mom would be a teacher or a helper every year, but never in our classes. (She needed a break from us) Ha! Or she would sometimes work in the nursery.
I loved the Bible stories, the crafts, the games, the snack times, and learning all of the fun little songs we would perform on the last night of Bible School when we did a program for the parents. One of my favorite little songs we sang with a little book of colors and it went like this:
My heart was black with sin till Jesus came within...
His precious blood I know,
Has washed me white as snow...
And in God's Word I'm told,
We'll walk the streets of gold...
Oh wonderful, wonderful day,
He washed my sins away!
And with each color we sang about we would turn our pages to that color.
I also loved the times when our pastor, Reverend John Utterback, would do fun little exercises each day with us, like the day he held up a dollar bill and let the kids hold up a finger and a thumb and try to catch the dollar as he released it. (Not too many would ever be fast enough to catch it, but all of us kids thought we would be the ones that could do it...and I'm not sure what that little lesson taught us...but as I said, it was fun). He also blindfolded some of us and told us to sit down in a chair he had placed by the pulpit...it was a lesson on faith and trust.
That is also where I learned the books of the Bible which have benefited me my entire life when it comes to looking up scripture. But back then it was a fun challenge to see if we could say all 66 books in order...and in one big breath! I could do that...and I was pretty proud of myself...(In a humble way of course)!
One year we had a Chalk Artist come and he told us stories each day as he drew a lovely picture with chalk, and when he was finished he would turn on the black light and a hidden image would appear. It was a picture of Jesus on the cross and then the black light would show him ascending up to heaven...or something awesome like that. I still love chalk drawings to this day, and we have a lovely lady at our church here in town who travels around and does those for different groups of people. She plays Christian music while she draws. Have you ever seen a chalk artist?
When I was a teen, my mom and I used to sing in our choir at our little church..and there were maybe 10 to 15 people in the choir. One Easter I had a solo in our youth choir and I was so nervous...but God gave me grace and I somehow got through it. I was extremely shy back then...and I still am when it comes to doing anything in front of a group of people. I still prefer relating to people one on one.
My part was:
Blessed is the King of Israel~ that cometh in the name of the Lord...
Blessed is the King of Israel~ that cometh in the name of the Lord...
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna... in the Highest!
Blessed is the King of Israel~ that cometh in the name of the Lord!!!!!!
So you can see it was easy to remember the words. ((smile))
As we teens sang each song they showed a film with the birth, life and crucifixion...and then the resurrection, and it was a very moving presentation. Every Easter I remember that time and think back to those days. Isn't Easter a wonderful time when you are Christians?
I also remember Christmas plays as a child and other fun times with our little church family. Oh, and there was that time when we forgot to change our clocks when the time changed and we showed up to church an hour early! Ha! Our pastor who lived next door to the church, came out laughing and said "did you forget to change your clocks?"...then he invited us into his house for donuts! Oh how I loved that pastor! I am sure he is in heaven now since I haven't seen him for over 30 years and he was older when I was a child. I will love seeing him again when I go to heaven someday. When I think of him I think of the song..."Thank You for giving to the Lord..I am a life that was changed..."
It was my mom and Pastor Utterback that taught me so much about the Lord when I was growing up. My Mom is up there too, and it goes without saying that I long to see her again, in heaven where we will spend eternity with Jesus.
Did you go to a little white steepled church when you grew up? Do you have memories like I am sharing today? I would love to hear about them. Isn't it wonderful to love the Lord and to be able to share Him with others no matter where we are?