Today for Wednesday's Walk I thought I would show you all a picture of me and my three girls back in the early 1970's. This is one of the very few pictures I have from this time of my life, because there was a break in, and among the stuff that was stolen were albums full of pictures. Most of my kids baby pictures were gone! So sad.
The girls were about 6, 5, and 1. And I was in my early twenties. And even though I loved my children very much, this was a very hard time of my life, and I was seperated, working, on assistance, and barely getting by. Hard times indeed.
But I know that the Lord kept us and brought us through, because He had a wonderful plan for our lives. Even though I was not living for Him at that time....He knew that we would all commit to Him in the future. Thank you Lord for watching after us!

Today is the last Wednesday's Walk...and I would like to thank Jenilee for hosting this memory blog hop. If you would like to link up a memory, just click on the button below.
Awww...what a sweet post! It's amazing how much Lynette favors you when you were younger.
So sad that someone took your baby photos...but
So wonderful that things worked out well for you!
Wow, that is so crazy how much Lynnette looks like you in this picture! I would have swore it was her, if you hadn't told me! And is that Lynnette with the dark hair? Looks exactly like her boys!! I love your story and how the Lord had such a wonderful life planned for you all!
Love your memory walk down meory lane in photos.
Boy how time flys by.
I have looked at some of my photos of my three girls and wonder where the time has gone.
Isnt it awesome how the Lord keeps us even when we arent following His footsteps. I have found that in my own life as well.
What a cool blog hop! And, I agree Lynnette is a dead ringer for you, girl! Isn't that neat?
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Read today's posts ...
Mommy is Trying to Exercise Right Now
1000 Reasons I am Thankful
@Amazon My Book is $5.65!
I know everyone has already said it, but you and Lynette look SO much alike! And she looks the same now as she did when she was a little girl!
I'm thankful for your story of the Lord's faithfulness. We don't always know how he will work in the midst of trials, but afterwards it is such a privilege to have been part of his working.
Thanks for sharing how faithful the Lord is! What a blessing! Beautiful photos - then and now!
Love all the pics and what a wonderful story. I really enjoyed this walk.
Have a wonderful day.
Wow, I was just going to say the same thing Kristin did! Lynnette looks so much like you did then! And Lynnette's boys totally resemble their aunts! Wow!
This was so neat to see! Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful family...what a wonderful God!
Dear One, You are such a sweet witness!
This is a fantastic picture of you with your girls!
Have you had copies made of this pic or made some from a photo machine that you do yourself?
Terrible thing the thief/thieves did...and you rose above this. I can honestly see where much of what you have gone through was rough and very difficult to live through.
So glad you have this picture of you with your girls!!!
Love the progression. That must always 'hurt' to know that you don't have their baby pictures. I can't imagine that happening.
Family memories are great, even the bad ones have been allowed for reasons only God knows.
I loved the pictures! What a Godly mom you are, Linda. I feel so honored to "know" you.
Dianne @
Love your photos and the memories and how God called you and you answered. So glad to know you! Hugs!
Your daughter in the green and gray (in each pic) looks JUST LIKE YOU! Oh my gosh...
The Lord has kept Steveo and I together...we saw many hard times, too.
Love to you sweet friend. You are soo beautiful!
oh, I'm just seeing this now! :) I LOVE this picture!!! you are gorgeous and your girls are adorable. so fun to see that picture and a glimpse into that time of your life!
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