My Six Words:
Early To Bed Early To Rise!
For years and years I was a night owl. I would stay up after my family was in bed, and I would do things like organize cupboards, clean house, change furniture around, and decorate. Sometimes I would read, write letters, or watch tv, or even do laundry, and iron clothes. I was a momma to three daughters, and my days were busy back then. I guess I felt like I needed the night times to myself while the house was quiet?!!! I don't know, but I would often stay up until 1, 2 or 3 AM just piddling around.
In the mornings I would get my hubby off to work, get my kids up, feed them breakfast, hurry them along, and then take them to school, (for awhile they all went to different schools), and then I'd come home to the daily household duties, and they never seemed to end.
I would be a room mother at school, go on field trips with them, and also volunteer to help kids in my youngest daughter's class with reading. I'd go to garage sales, thrift shops, and estate sales, or work in the yard, move the sprinkers around all day to keep the grass green, go for walks, ride my bike, exercise, shop, run errands, and go to Bible Studies. I liked to go visit with girlfriends, go to the library, talk to my extended family on the phone, etc., etc.
I kept busy and before I knew it, it was time to pick up my girls after school, (and usually a van load of their friends too, and I'd drop them off at their houses, one by one), then back home to fix a snack for my girls, and as we sat at the kitchen table, I'd listen to them tell me all about their school day, and what was going on with each of their friends etc. I'd play games with them, watch them do gymnastics, or practice cheers, and I spent time with each of them, and I enjoyed every minute.
I'd fix dinner, clean up dishes, and they'd get baths and showers... then I'd take a bath, put on my p.j.'s, and watch tv with the family. I'd help with homework when needed, read a book to the youngest one, put her to bed, and make sure the older girls got to bed at a decent hour. It was a routine that varied at times, but for the most part, I could handle it all, and have energy to spare, even though I stayed up late. I loved being a busy mom...and I loved my three beautiful girls.
Now a days I am an early to bed, early to rise person. Not much activity to keep me up late. My life is so different from those late night times of long ago when I was running a home and taking care of my children..
All of my girls are married adults with kids of their own, and now
they have the busy schedules, and my husband and I are retired.
We have 11 grandkids, and we enjoy hearing about their busy lives, and seeing them when we can....which is usually about once a month for family get-togethers to celebrate birthdays. (And a little more often with the ones who live right here in town.)
Our lives are completely different now that my retired hubby and I spend all of our time together. It is nice to have each others company throughout the day and night. Sometimes it takes two of us to accomplish the things that formerly we could handle by ourselves, but we call it team work! (:>)
We love outings with the grandkids. This picture of John and our youngest grandson was at the zoo.
We can take a little trip on a whim, go to a movie, or just go for a ride, visit an antique mall, etc. or go out to eat. I no longer have to stretch the food budget as far as it can go to get through the week, and I don't have so many household duties, because my husband helps me with them.
Life has slowed down quite a bit...and yet we do find things to do, and we have activities with church, and family, and friends. But it is just a much slower pace. I am not nearly as active as I used to be, and so I have time to be on facebook, or to write, and read blogposts. My husband and I do daily devotions together and spend time praying for our family and friends, and those in need. In fact, we pray for many of you! (:>)
In today's world, I am in bed at 9:00 PM most of the time and asleep by 10, and I get up at 5 or 6. I am amazed at how our internal clocks get into the rhythm of making us tired, and sleepy by a certain hour, and then waking us up at the same early hour everyday...I don't ever need alarm clocks. It is amazing how God made our bodies to function like that! The Bible says..."He giveth his beloved sleep!" Sleep is necessary, to refresh and rejuvenate us!
As a kid I always heard the saying...
"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!"...well I'm not sure about all of that...but I do feel like my body does need a regular sleep pattern, and I do feel better because of it.
It seems like just yesterday I was a child, living a care-free life, and then, BAM!... I was a young adult, then middle age,...and now I am a senior. Life certainly does seem to
zoom by! I am thankful for every bit of it. My life has been greatly blessed...and God is so good! Of course at age 62, I may have quite a few years left to I am not giving up quite yet! (:>)
How about you? What is your normal routine?