From Christmas To The Cross
This is really weird I know it… but what I have to say
Came to me while I laid in bed on this chilly winter day
I lay there in my cozy bed
As rhyming words dance through my head
Is this a poem or random thoughts??? I wonder as they dance
I close my eyes to blot them out, but through my mind they prance
I hear them too in rhyming prose and in my heart they sing
I rise and quickly jot them down to honor my dear King
Honor me they seemed to say and remember my dear Son
He is the babe on Christmas day that blessed us…everyone
He wasn’t just another child brought forth onto this earth
He is a Savior for all men…He came by virgin birth
A star announced His coming and the angels they did sing
The Shepherds saw this evidence and rushed off to greet their King
The manger scene was hushed and still as the shepherds came that day
They bow their hearts and bend their knees and quickly start to pray
How do we approach the manger? Does it make our hearts to sing?
As we bow before the baby and proclaim Him as our King
Or do we rush right past Him in the hurried Christmas dash?
To buy the useless presents and fill up the car with gas
We check off lists of groceries and we stand in lines and wait
But do we think of what it cost Him to walk through heaven’s gate?
He left the realms of glory and put on flesh as common man
To dwell with us and teach us things that only Jesus can
He grew in girth and wisdom… left childhood… became man
Taught in the streets… healed the sick… and saved men through His plan
He chose men as His disciples… did miracles before their eyes
Made the wine from water and raised the dead as mothers cried
Who is this man they wondered? Some “got it” some did not
They heard Him teach but didn’t heed the words that Jesus taught
Do we heed His precious words? Do we claim Him as our King?
If we do then let’s proclaim it and let the anthems ring
Let the songs spring forth in worship and the hands lift up in praise
Let’s make this Christmas special…honor Him with all our days
You see Christmas led to Easter…this is what it’s all about
The Bible tells the story and it leaves us without doubt
Of a truth He is our Savior…of a truth He is our King
Yet He laid His life down gladly…bore the cross…so we could sing
Sing… because our sin’s forgiven…nailed with Him upon that tree
Sing… ten thousand Hallelujahs…He arose for you and me
Who arose? That little baby… who in that manger lay!
Let’s proclaim it all this Christmas…and thank God for this display
This display of love and mercy…this display of God’s own plan
To restore a fallen people through a babe that became man
Not just any man… but The God-Man
God’s own son who came to die
He knows our desperation…and He hears our every cry
Just accept Him… He’s our present...It’s our past that made Him die
All those sins that He bore gladly… so that we could be set free
Are forgiven and forgotten…cast into the deepest sea
Yes ten thousand Hallelujahs…and then ten thousand more
Can’t express enough affection for what that baby bore!
So you see a little baby in the manger on that hay
But He also is a Savior who was born on Christmas Day!
By Linda Hogeland ~~~ December 2009
That is so beautiful. I just love it.
Merry Christmas
Caroline :)
I hope this season that we all remember our Savior who came and died for us.
Beautiful! Love the pictures too. Merry Christmas!
What a beautiful poem full of truth...a wonderful reminder of the reason we're celebrating this Christmas.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you, dear friend!
Another beautiful piece written by you. thanks!!!
Have a very Merry Christmas.
We love you.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!
I imagine you would have rhyming words in your head - that's what happens when you write so many poems. Before we know it, you'll be talking in poems to all of us. Hello Lynnette and Kyle and fam. Looks like you brought your handy cam. Let's eat dinner and open some gifts. And lets make sure we don't get in any tiffs. Then we'll play games and have some fun, and we'll try to make sure the kids don't run.
There, my poem for the year. :)
As usual - your poem was a beautiful reminder of the wonderful God we serve.
Love you. Looking forward to seeing you in a few days.
Stay warm.
So very beautiful, Merry Christmas to you and yours !
That's just beautiful! I loved it!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!
love that post title....so true.....So glad to be back to reading my favorite blogs....and off a ladder decorating trees...
I am so glad that I joined the blog world....and have made so many sweet friends....Blessings in 2010
Sure glad you had paper and pencil ready when those beautiful rhyming words came prancing through your heart and mind! Blessings!
Beautiful, and the pictures are great!
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