Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Saturday

Happy Saturday

Saturday is a happy day…a day that families can be together...
To work, and to play, to go out for the day…and to simply enjoy the good weather

But first meet at the table in your pajamas, and robes, bare feet, bad breath, messy hair...
Read a Psalm for the day, then a Proverb, and pray, as mom makes breakfast with care

Make a list of the projects you’d all like to do, and add in some time for the leisure...
Soon the chores will be done, since you did them as one, and now you can take time for the pleasure

After a day like this, of hard work, and then play, you can come home for a nice family dinner...
Play some games at the table, do your best with each one, as you each strive to be the big winner!

Pop some popcorn, watch a movie, take your baths, go to bed…
early enough to get up for church the next day...
And just before bed, fold your hands, bow your thanks for a great Saturday

You’ll be blessed as you worship together as one, as a family that wants God’s very best...
Yes, if your Saturdays are good, ending your week as you should…then Sundays can be a day of rest…

Now doesn’t this sound good…are you treating Saturdays as you should? Or are you all running off in different directions?

A family should pray…and plan to make Saturday…a day to share lots of love and affection!

Happy Saturday!

Written by Linda Hogeland
August 2012

My Six Words: I Hope You Enjoy Your Saturday!

Click on the button below to link up your six words post!


Anonymous said...

I Love that bouquet... happy Saturday to you too!

Jim said...

Hi Linda -- We are going to do that today by having a 'pool party' with the 3-year-old.

She will be leaving us, probably on Monday. Her mom, our daughter, leaves Sunday for work Monday.

Dad and the girls will follow in about a week after visiting with the 'other woman' being the other grandmother.

Last Sunday wasn't a pool party,
With granddaughter at the circus--Jim's Six Words for August 4

Unknown said...

You are looking great! I love your post , very wise. Great six words! Have you a blessed weekend. hugs shakira
Mine is here

Kathe W. said...

love that bicycle bouquet and your words are perfect!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Awesome advice for families and for everyone... plan a great day, get the work done, make time for fun and relaxing, and always remember to count your blessings! That bicycle brought back good memories of childhood long ago!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

good advice. We are home today, for most of it. A bit of grocery shopping. Right now daughter and I watching Pioneer Woman Cooks...and we share in laughter and wanting to hop into the tv and eat her food even though we just had breakfast. A good thing at end of Sat. is prepare mind for church on a piece of scripture. That works for me! Have a great day!

Maryellen said...

Beautiful poem and wise words to live by . . .
Love the photo too !

Jess said...

Great words,I may have to keep re reading them :-)

joanne said...

thanx for the good wishes, Linda....

maria said...

Nice poem! I enjoyed reading it! It made me smile because my family's day normally looks that. Have a great weekend! :-)

I Am Not Superwoman said...

I agree awesome advise. Oregon is beautiful everywhere and I know I have taken it for granted at times. :-( Hope you had a great day with your fam.

When Words Escape said...

If I had a family, that's what I would hope to be doing. It's just me and my two cats -- they don't cooperate with list-making and planning. Though they do like to join me at (on!) the table (naughty kitties).

Happy Saturday!

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

Great post thanks for reminding us all what a wonderful day Saturdays can be :))

thistlewoodfarm said...

What a wonderful tribute to Saturday! Thanks for the reminders!

Have a wonderful day!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

This is very sweet! Love your thoughts on Saturday. :)

Karin said...

That was a very special poem! Loved it!

Deanna said...

Also Friday, 'cauz I know the week-end has arrived.

Enjoyed reading your thoughts!

May you have a wonderful day.
Wishin' every day was looked forward to like a Saturday,

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Linda,
I also love your thoughts on Saturday and couldn't agree with you more. The first part made me chuckle. ;)

I just read your post below and can't believe you have a child that just turned 40, you look so young, good genes! =) You have a beautiful family!

Also, thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog...they always brighten my day! I am horrible at responding, but I want you to know your visits mean a lot!

Have a wonderful day! XO ~Liz

Bethe77 said...

Linda, Love the bicycle with all the beautiful flowers. The words of wise wisdom so beautifully put. Hope you had a wonerful day. Thank you for stopping by and your prayers. Many blessings

Anonymous said...

What a lovely peaceful you know it slowed me right down and I thought..yes this is how it should be!! I've come over from another blog. I saw your lovely face and wanted to know more about your life...reckon I'd better become a follower!! Joan