Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday

On this Thankful Thursday I just want to thank God for America. I am glad I am an American!

I am thankful for the flag and what it symbolizes.

I am not into politics, but I am thankful for our leaders.

At least we can still worship openly and I pray it will continue.

What are you thankful for today? Click on the button below and copy the code and paste it to your Thankful Thursday post.


java girl said...

I am thankful for Godly blogging buddies!! Have a wonderful Thursday!!!!!

Deanna said...

Dear Linda,
I am sooooo thankful for so many things and people!

I am humbled at the blessings we share as Americans.
God bless,

Subee41 said...

I gotta agree with Ashley. I am very thankful for the Godly blogs I am priveledged to read! It is so awesome to read how God works in the lives of others.



Kristin said...

It's hard to believe that in some parts of the world, people really could die for following Jesus.....that's something I just take for granted. I'm so thankful too to live in America.