Once Upon A Time
Once upon a time when I was very small
I’d lie in bed and make shadowy, fun, figures on the wall
Some of them were doggies, butterflies, or birds
In the land of make believe where there’s no need for words
Mom would come and tuck me in, and kiss me on the head
Pray with me, and say good-night then I’d snuggle down in bed
Off to dreamland I would go where fairies often flew
Prince and princess they would dance and twirl a time or two
A land filled with flowers, pretty trees, and flowing streams
Would often be the background in my happy childhood dreams
Running, skipping, dancing, or swinging in a swing
Spinning in full dresses, I’d laugh, and smile, and sing
Taking care of baby dolls, hop scotching, or bouncing balls
These were things I often did when I was very small
My dreams were filled with joyful scenes without a single care
When I’d drift off to dreamland while hugging Teddy Bear
Once upon a time…is a fun thing to recall
Often climbing trees with brother, or running down the hall
Singing in a talent show when I was in 4th grade
Tap-dancing, or cheering loud while watching a parade
Carnivals, and schoolyard fun, with neighbors and my friends
Playing baseball with the boys, and mischief without end
Hearing mom’s voice from the porch when she’d call us in for dinner
The game would stop right there and then, without an actual winner
But we’d resume another day, and choose up sides for teams
We’d bat that ball and make home-runs…and heed our teammates scream
“Run home” they’d yell…"you’ve got it girl", and I’d run with all my might
Exhausted from my day at play I’d sleep so well at night
But I’d awake to each new day, so happy to explore…
“Once Upon A Time” was so much fun I’d love to tell you more
But now those times seem long ago…just memories… far away
I wish I had the energy of that small child at play
Now I watch my grandchildren as they jump, and climb, and run
They are the ones with vigor now as they experience the fun
I love to see the sparkle as I look into their eyes
It warms my heart, and brings me joy, as I hear their cheerful cries
Their laughter brings back happy scenes to this aging wife
The “Once Upon A Time” things... from that splendid time of life!
(Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Luke 18:17)
Written by Linda Hogeland
November 2010
Link up with Wednesday's Walk... down memory lane today!